We're flawed because we want so much more,We're ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had....
I couldn't agree with Don Draper more!! I want so many things. I get most of them. But there comes a point when you just " want " things. You don't need them . And that's when you have to draw the line. Do you need to get that Blackberry! Will your life fall apart without it. I don't think so!! What's more after a couple of months you don't even feel the same way about it. We live in this consumerist, materialistic generation wherein you have to compete with everyone to look cool, It doesn't matter if you don't need it. You have to live by the Code.
I was recently having this philosophical talk with S the other day.There was one thing she said, " Whatever you do, never stop thinking!" which really got to me. What does she mean by that. Of course , I think. Don't I? Don't we? Then why do we ignore every single thing in life.Why are we so willing to join the rat pack? Why do we forsake all our values to just get ahead in life? Distraction is the name of the game. We ave movies, celebrities to grab our attention to take our eyes away from the real crux of the matter. We have stopped questioning everything. We just believe. Talk about trust being over-rated! I feel we are losing the very essence of our humanity by refusing to question! Politicians scheme, the Government hides, People deceive and yet we seem to take it. Convenient, isn't it??
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!!! The day when you have to show people how much you love them. I may seem a bit hard on this day. You may say its because of Sour Grapes!! I say it is because I believe Love should be celebrated everyday. Love doesn't have to be shown through gifts and dinner somewhere, Love is shown through the holding of hands, through that kiss on the forehead, through that look which only both of you understand! I may have this dreamy perception of Love and most probably am due for a huge reality check. But I refuse to believe so. It's no point being cynical. It hasn't helped me before. I doubt it will help me now. So I will wait... I will hope... For that certain someone who sort of feels the same way about things like I do. Someone who laughs with me...Shares my burdens.... Is With Me...
Love is like a fairytale. We get to write how it ends!!! It's no one's responsibility to tell you how to live your life. It's your life, Make it beautiful...