On Introspection
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. - Auguste Rodin
We live in a digitalized world. We have a life which is constantly on fast- forward. And when we want to stop, we finally realize it is too late anyway. What is the point of living if we don’t discover, if we don’t explore ourselves or the world we live in?? How long are we going to take things for granted? Isn’t it time for us to wake up and change our path? Answering any of these questions isn’t easy but it does make one wonder as to why people work so hard to achieve something and then find out it wasn’t worth it at all.
There are so many things in life which bring you down. That assignment you have to do the next day, a paper you have to submit, an unrequited love, a broken friendship, an argument at home… Yet, we trudge along as though we are all perfect and act as if everything is ok. Are we afraid to show how we truly feel? Does it make us weak and unwanted? The human race has always been reserved about its emotions. And in recent times, it has become even more profound. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? And it need not just be that guy you’re going with for a month now… What about your siblings? Your grandparents? When is the last time you told them 3 simple words- I Love You!-. We forget the simple things in life as we go chase after the complex ones. When was the last time you sat watching the rain splash against your window or watched a movie which really touched your heart or opened your heart to someone telling them all your fears, hopes and disappointments? When was the last time you did something just for the pure fun of it and didn’t weigh the pros and cons of everything?
Life keeps throwing curveballs at us. We can duck it only for a while. We have to stand up to it someday. Sometimes wouldn’t it just be better if we were infants and lived in a time where we had no responsibilities, no obligations and no duties…. But, then we would never grow up and never experience the beauty of human relationships. We would never experience the secret laugh only the best of friends share or that special camaraderie with that person. We would never learn to love and be loved in return and will never experience all the world has to offer.
Yet, after all of this, I feel that my idea of the world is through rose-tinted spectacles. An idealistic place where I feel I’m the only one. I’m alone and yet I prefer to stay here. I refuse to take risks as I believe it will protect me. Little do I know that this is also the way I will lose who I am truly supposed to be and the thought of that terrifies me every single day. I’m so afraid to go out there that I hide behind my confident exterior.
So this is my way of saying, “I am changing”. I am not doing a brave and heroic deed like rescuing someone but I am rescuing myself from someone I don’t want to be and for that I suppose I must open myself and take off my spectacles and be a bit more braver…..
Heartfelt. :)